
Memory Game

<html>  <head meta charset="utf-8">  <title>Hafiza Oyunu</title>  <script>   var kusresimleri;   var BTNPREFIX = 'btn';   var secim = -1;   const resimleri=["SAHIN","AKBABA","SERCE","KERKENEZ","KARGA","BALIKCIL","ATMACA","DOGAN","PUHU","BAYKUS","AGACKAKAN","CIGIRTKAN","KARTAL","TAVUK","GUGUK","HOROZ","PAPAGAN","SAKA","MUHABBET","ARIKUSU","DEVEKUSU","CALIKUSU","BULBUL","LEYLEK","PELIKAN","SAKSAGAN","KIRLANGIC","CIVGIN","ORDEK","SIGIRCIK","CIVGIN","TAVUS","TINAMU","KASUARI","EMU","KIVI","KAZ","SAKARCA","SUNA","ANGIT","CIKRIKCIN","CAM

In Service Bitcoin

- Bitcoin and other crypto currencies are (unlike euro) not a legal currency. Therefore there is no obligation to accept bitcoin as a form of payment. It is merely a question that concerns the seller, whether he wants to accept it as a payment or not.^1   - In -this- case of owning bitcoin for over a year, the sale of it's free from taxes 《 but registered on 》.The amount of profit is irrelevant and you’re not obligated to mention it in your tax declaration. Exception's: using it as a source of income. In this case the deadline will be extended to ten years. By the way newer delated. - In case of selling the bitcoin within 12 months after buying it, profits up to 600€ are free from taxes《 but registered on 》. More than 600€ will be taxed or defeated. This rule applies not only to bitcoins but for every crypto circulation within a year.^2  1-https://www.winheller.com/bankrecht-finanzrecht/bitcointrading/bitcoinundsteuer.html  2-https://taxfix.de/steuertipps/bitcoin-und-steuer/  W

Dudu Kadın

-It is a draft, details can be increased- Today, there are many places called Dudu Kadın's Street, Dudu Kadın's Bazaar, Dudu Kadın's Farm in Akşehir. So, who is this Dudu Kadın?   Dudu Kadın, real name Tuti Kadın, was born as the daughter of Alaeddin Ağazade Mehmet Ağa from Akşehir. Again, She married Mustafa Bey from Akşehir. She died in 1928 and was buried in the Nasreddin Hodja cemetery. At that time, a beautiful sarcophagus was built on his grave. Dudu Kadın or Tuti; She is a great Turkish woman who had her name engraved on Akşehir's undead sign. He was known as a benevolent and charitable person. She made large donations to the building on the site of today's Akşehir Tuberculosis Dispensary, which was started to be used during the difficult times of the War of Independence and later served as Akşehir Municipal Hospital.   The tomb of the Tûtî Woman is in the Nasreddin Hodja cemetery. Edit by: muhammederkek@gmail.com You can olası send article dudukadinshopping

Simple Html Calculator

<html><head> <script language="javascript"> <!-- START OF SCRIPT --> <!-- HOW TO INSTALL 7 FUNCTION CALCULATOR: FOR S.D.B. --> <!-- 1. Paste the coding into the HEAD of your HTML document --> <!-- 2. Put last coding into the BODY section of document --> <!-- newEdit:dudukadinshoppingdistrict@gmail.com --> <!-- Newedit Explanation:There tree function have been added this script --> <!-- Newedit Explanation: functions have been added and rebuilt this script --> <!-- Newedit Explanation:There is no D.B's System functions --> <!-- Newedit Explanation:Original script can be change and rebuilt --> <!-- Newedit Explanation: added this script --> <!-- Begin the script and adding values --> function ftoplam() { a=eval(form.a.value); b=eval(form.b.value); anstoplam=a+b; form.toplam.value = anstoplam; } <!-- second function -->

All About the Matlab

 \n Programming language the Matlab is language. Image processing, control, statistics, optimization, fuzzy logic, neural networks, numerical-genetic algorithms. You can create large projects very quickly with sub-programs that you can create yourself. Not to mention its subroutines with its own functions, formulas, ready-made data structures...so you can create structures that make decisions. \n Matlab has started to be used mostly in the field of artificial intelligence. What I want to talk about is more about fuzzy logic... although there is not much difference between the two. Combined control structures work very fast, the results of finite operations with structures that can run each other are quickly found (a technology company is one of the first to notice this speed) that we count as errors or -it can be react- two ‘Not’es can produce positive results, I can finally mention that my first attempt to open msn mail (Hotmail) the first address of my attempt, machine opened my mail